Emma Nyra finally reveals how Ubi Franklin abused and Terrorized her!

Emma Nyra finally reveals how Ubi Franklin abused and Terrorized her!

Emma Nyra and Ubi Franklin has been an interesting saga so far.Emma Nyra denies dating Ubi Franklin even though everyone in the industry knows they dated for 3 years! Well it sounds like Emma wants to forget she ever met Ubi and is trying to blot out his memory,hence her denial.Well,from her latest revelations,one can now understand why.
Emma Nyra has claimed Ubi franklin abused and terrorized her! See what she says below in an interview with  Vanguard

"Ubi and I never dated. Rather he terrorized me for years. He abused me and other
members of the label with physical and verbal force. This is why I left Triple MG the first time. He claims he spent money on me but failed to mention that he never gave me my payment for all the tours I have done alongside Iyanya. The true story lies between me and other members of Triple MG who have all chosen to be silent because of fear of one man. I do not support abuse of women or men. That is why I left. I don’t want to be involved with anything that has to do with Ubi Franklin ever again. Honestly, I don’t want to see my name associated with Ubi in any way. Let these lies die down. I am moving on with my career. Thank God” She said.

So this explains a lot of thins,Ubi Franklin has been posting some cryptic messages about how is now a better person blah blah blah..If he really did what she says he did,that's a story for the gods!
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