Maheeda Nigeria charges fans 250 Euros to chat with her and business is booming!

Maheeda Nigeria charges fans 250 Euros to chat with her and business is booming!

Maheeda Nigeria now charges 250 Euros for you to facetime chat with her!
If you are a Maheeda fan in Nigeria or wherever in the world,you now have the opportunity to chat to her and probably get all that you have been saving for her off your chest! But its gonna cost you!
Maheeda shared this photo above and wrote "My time/ attention cost money darling ... Love it or hate it , that's just how it is now.... And people are paying .. business is moving... I got
the attention cheap so I'm selling it cheaper 250euros to enjoy chat with me now ... (Note: CHAT e.g FaceTime) I know is cheap. i'm nice.. if u can't pay pls disturb me not huh? Thank you. Enjoy! #nooshofreezone"
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