Why Men are so sleepy afterwards....

Why Men are so sleepy afterwards....

Why men fall asleep straight afterwards.
To all you ladies out there who get mad  when he falls asleep straight after  loving.Medical Science has now revealed the reason why.
Research in the journal Neuroscience and Behavioural Reviews in 2012 has explained the sleeping-pill like effect making love has on men. Brain scans showed the pre-frontal cortex, the area associated with consciousness, alertness and mental activity, 'switches off' after an orgasm.
Other research has shown that in men an orgasm's tension-relieving effects are like taking 2mg of diazepam (a sedative). 'This  explains why men want to sleep after making love,' says Dr Ghosh. And hormones released in orgasm - melatonin, oxytocin and vasopressin - are also all associated with sleep.

source Dailymail
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