More Testimonies from the survivors of the Ritual Jungle in Ibadan

More Testimonies from the survivors of the Ritual Jungle in Ibadan

survivors of the Ritual Jungle in Ibadan

More of the kidnapped people who survived the ritual dungeons in Ibadan Oyo state are giving testimonies about their miraculous survival..not all have their full recollections..but it is hoped as time oes they recover fully,mentally and physically..

Recalling their predicament, one of the victims, Nafiu Shittu, said:

“I am a native of Ibadan, living in the Foko area of the city. I sold pile medicine to people. I was doing the business on the day I was kidnapped about four months ago. 
“After going round the area where I had customers, I felt tired and decided to rest in the Gate area. Suddenly, a bus stopped by my side and two men came out and forced me into the back seat of the vehicle. That was all I could remember. 
“When I regained consciousness, I saw myself in a room in the forest, chained to a wall. I was too tired to struggle and as the days passed, I became frail because I was not given anything to eat.” 
He spoke to Punch at the Adeoyo State Hospital, Yemetu, Ibadan. Speaking in an almost inaudible whisper and intermittently pausing, he explained that he was at work when he was kidnapped and taken to the forest.

Asked if he was taken there to be treated for mental illness, Nafiu looked up sharply and protested: “I am not a mad man. I am a normal human being. I was kidnapped and chained in a room throughout my days in


Nafiu said he was aware that he was not the only one in the building, adding that what baffled him was that he heard voices of people passing outside the building regularly.

“There were other people, including young and adult women, who cried daily. I saw dead bodies being taken out frequently, but I don’t know if they were killed. Maybe they died of hunger. People moved around the building, but I don’t know if they knew we were there.”

Other victims, Wale Atoyebi from Ada in Osun State and Michael Ola could only give their names, but another lady, Titi Dokpesi, explained how she got to the forest.

She said, “I live at Awolowo compound in Oke Bola, Ibadan. I am not mad and I am not an old woman. Two months ago, I was in front of our house when some men grabbed me and said I was under arrest.

“Before I could protest, I was put in a bus and driven away. We did not go to any police station and I still don’t know how we reached the forest. I had N10,000 with me, but they took it. I am 45 years. In the few months I spent there, I aged quickly for lack of care. We were fed once in a week.

“I was kept in the corner of a room, chained to the wall, so I kept to myself. I spent most of the time praying to God. I don’t know if anyone gave birth there, but people were dying,” she added.

Oyo State governor revokes horror den’s C of O
Governor Abiola Ajimobi on Monday, led members of the State Executive Council and the security agencies in the state to the kidnappers’ den for an on-the-spot assessment of the forest.

The governor, who was conducted round the forest by security chiefs, expressed sadness at what he called man’s inhumanity to his fellow man. Ajimobi called for a minute silence and led prayers for the repose of the souls of those who died in the kidnappers’ den.

The governor announced the immediate revocation of the Certificates of Occupancy of the expansive forest and directed that the bush be cleared. 
He said, “We need to clear this place to ensure easy access to whatever had been transpiring in the forest."

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