7year old boy's eyes plucked out by Ritualists!

7year old boy's eyes plucked out by Ritualists!

7year old boy's eyes plucked out by Ritualists in Bauchi.

This is such a sad story that i can't even bear to use this poor boy's picture!
I came across this story several times and i kept passing it by.I just could not bring myself to read it..atimes when i think about how wicked people are,it makes me question a lot of things,but i'm not gonna get into that right now.(sad face)
Some suspected ritualists on Friday in Babujaye village of Toro Local Government Area of Bauchi, plucked the two eyes of a seven year-old cattle rearer, Haruna Usman.A 7 year
old boys eyes?How can you look at a 7 year old kid and pluck out his eyes to make money or whatever the reasons it might have been for?I couldn't even do that to a dog!

Narrating how his son lost his eyes, father of the boy, Malam Usman Muyalbi, told NAN that he and his son had gone out to rear cattle on that fateful day, when he left Haruna and went to a nearby town.

“As we were rearing the cows, some of them veered into somebody’s farm by accident and destroyed crops. I then decided to go and inform the owner of the farm, so that we can assess the damage for me to settle him. I left Haruna to keep watch over the cows but when I returned at about 1:00 p.m., my son was nowhere to be found. 
I later heard him crying inside a nearby valley and upon getting there, discovered that his two eyes had been removed,” said the father.
Mayalbi, whose son had been admitted at the Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Teaching Hospital, (ATBU-TH) Bauchi, therefore appealed to government and wealthy individuals to help his son regain his sight.

Mrs Zainab Abdulkadir, a medical staff and also Manager of the Pediatric Surgical Ward, ATBUTH, where the boy was admitted, told NAN that he would hardly recover his sight.

“The assailants had gone with the two eyes. They have also destroyed the nerves while trying to pluck the eyes by force. The only thing that can be done is to provide the boy with ‘cosmetic’ eyes but he will never see again,” she lamented.

Bauchi State Police Command’s Public Relations Officer, DSP Haruna Mohammed, confirmed the incident on Tuesday, adding that efforts had been intensified to apprehend the culprits.

Very sad,this story has ruined my day...i pray for that poor boy,can't imagine what he has been through,and i don't know what kind of life awaits him,coming from a poor family in Nigeria,in fact i do know..but hey miracles do happen right?
Bring's my thought to something else,if a system had been put in place where education was free for every young Nigerian child and it was a compulsory law for every child to go to school,will this 7 year old boy have been out in the fields rearing cattle?
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