Can the USA save Steven Sotloff from ISIS? **SAD UPDATE

Can the USA save Steven Sotloff from ISIS? **SAD UPDATE

After the brutal and inhumane James Foley beheading,the fears now is that another impending victim of the Islamic group ISIS,Steven Joel Sotloff maybe in danger of being beheaded as
well.The world is still mourning the sad loss of James Foley and it is just unthinkable that we might be facing another brutal beheading from the ISIS again.Who can save Steven Sotloff?
At the end of the disturbing James Foley  video, the masked ISIS operative issues a threat to kill the American journalist held captive if President Obama continues to order attacks against the group invading Iraq. 
Freelance journalist Steven Joel Sotloff was paraded in front of the camera, and held by the collar of his shirt as the operatives says: 'The life of this American citizen, Obama, depends on your next decision'. 
Sotloff has been missing since August 2013, when he was kidnapped near Aleppo, Syria

Sotloff  sent out his last tweet on August 3, talking about his hometown basketball team the Miami Heat
According to his account, he was living in Benghazi, Libya at the time. 
ABC News foreign editor Jon Williams tweeted today that Sotloff's family were previously advised not to go public with news of him missing. 
But a family friend wrote about Sotloff last December, saying he went missing August 4 and to pray for his return.
Sotloff, a graduate of the University of Central Florida, had been published in TIME Magazine, World Affairs, National Interest and the Christian Science Monitor.  
The last story he filed was on November 26, 2012 titled 'Libya's New Crisis' 
'Steve Sotloff lived in Yemen for years, spoke good Arabic, deeply loved the Islamic world..for this he is threatened with beheading,' friend Anne Marloe tweeted on Tuesday, following the video's release. 

In the video, Sotloff did not speak, and appeared with a shaved head and face. 
Steven Sotloff's former roommate at the University of Central Florida, Emerson Lotzia, was horrified that his friend's life was in grave danger. 
'Everyone is scared right now,' admitted Emerson, who works as a sports reporter at West Palm Beach tv station WPTV., to MailOnline.
'No one really knows what to think because we never really thought that we would ever have one of our friends in this situation.'

It remains to be seen what action President Obama and America will take regarding the threat of the ISIS and Steven Sotloff's life.It is common knowledge that America does not negotiate with terrorists.But  the dilema facing Obama is ,what does he do now after seeing how brutal these ISIS terrorists can be?He has just learnt of or seen a video of an American citizen being brutally beheaded like an animal,even animals don't get beheaded that way anymore or do they?So what does he do?It must be hell for President Obama knowing that the life of Steven Sotloff might lie in his hands.The ISIS terrorist more or less laid out an emotional blackmail by saying on video that what happens with Sotloff's life depends on Obama.
The ISIS has taken the blackmail card and played it like it has never been played before,because nobody wants teh same thing that happened to James Foley to happen to Steve Sotloff.So how do you react?Let him die or conform and break your strong stance of not negotiating with terrorists?
I do not envy the President.My heart also goes out to the family and friends of James Foley.It truly is a terrible tragedy.I can't begin to imagine what they are going through and what they have been through.

For a family to see a loved one suffer and know how he died is just beyond words.And that poor woman,James Foley's mother,her life will never be the same.Even his dad,he tried but could not hold himself together when i saw him on television paying tribute to his son,James.
My prayer is,for a miracle to happen so that Steven Sotloff's life can be speared.The world does not need another beheaded human being.We can't bear the thought of one human beheading another for whatever barbaric reasons. 
As i go to bed tonight,safe from harm in my warm bed,i ask,Who is gonna save Sotloff?Can America save Steven Sotloff from the ISIS?

Sadly it seems the American government and President Obama were not able to save Steve from the ISIS
ISIS released a brutal video today showing the beading of a second U.S journalist, 31 year old Steven Sotlof. Sotloff had appeared in another video where U.S Journalist James Foley was killed two weeks ago  And it looks like Sotloff was killed by the same executioner who killed Foley on August 19th. He had same British accent and before beheading Sotloff, the terrorist said; 
"I'm back Obama, and I'm back because of your arrogant foreign policy towards the Islamic State, because of your insistence on continuing your bombings on Mosul Dam, despite our serious warning. So just as your missiles continue to strike our people, our knife will continue to strike the necks of your people."
Some are suggesting Steve and James Foley might have actually been killed at the same time ,and the ISIS releasing the video weeks apart just to gain as much air time and publicity as possible.The ISIS also claimed a British national will be the next to be beheaded.Really sick,somebody or someone has to stop these monsters!

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