Ebola Disease,Nigeria quarantines 2&Place 69 under surveillance!

Ebola Disease,Nigeria quarantines 2&Place 69 under surveillance!

Patrick Sawyer,the first man to die of Ebola disease in Nigeria.
Patrick Sawyer,the first man to die of Ebola disease in Nigeria.
Ebola virus disease keeps gripping everyone with fear! The Federal Government of Nigeria has placed 69 persons who had first contact with the Liberian-born victim of Ebola Virus Disease, Patrick Sawyer, on surveillance,
while "two persons have been quarantined", the Minister of Health, Prof. Onyebuchi Chukwu, has said.
I really hope this dreadful Ebola virus disease has not started spreading,based on what the Minister has just said,"69 persons are under surveillance",now God forbid,if any of those 69 already have it,haven't they been in close contact with their wives,kids,husbands,families and friends since then?And if they have,haven't those people as well been in contact with others?This is what scares me,i just hope by a big miracle none of these has happened,because if it has,we can be looking at a huge epidemic.Nigeria is a very crowded place were people come in close contact in so many situations.Lets all hope for good news and hope this Ebola virus has been contained.

Continuing with the Minister,he further said government had not shut its borders for now, “except when it becomes necessary.”
According to him, the 69 persons will be under surveillance for a period of three weeks from the date of contact in line with the specifications of the World Health Organisation.
The minister of health at a joint press briefing with the Minister of Information, Mr. Labaran Maku, on Thursday on the update of the virus, said Sawyer with dual citizenship from both Liberia and United States, was confirmed dead barely four days after arrival in Nigeria.

He said, “We decided on the proper manner on how to dispose off his body because the corpse of any victim of Ebola disease is very toxic. The Nigerian Centre for Disease Control decontaminated the body. We are tracking all those who had primary contact with him. As of today, 69 persons have been placed under surveillance while two persons have been quarantined.

“All those in the same aircraft to attend the meeting with him in Calabar are presently under surveillance. They will remain under this surveillance until a period of three weeks from the date of contact. We have a copy of the passengers’ manifest and we discovered that the sitting arrangement was free sitting. We are working with the airlines to track down those other passengers yet to be identified.

“As a Federal Government policy, we have not closed our borders, unless it becomes necessary. But the Aviation Minister is working with us in many aspects to make sure that the virus does not spread.”
Prof. Onyebuchi Chukwu also stated that that the virus “can be contacted on air even while airborne once you contact the droplets.”

The Minister said government was engaging the states right from the moment that the disease was first reported in Guinea.
“Our rapid response team is in Lagos. Nigeria has been commended by WHO. Secondary contacts are also important. We are working with the Cross River State government. We are not going to quarantine them but we have demanded for their contact details,” he stressed.
Chukwu also commended the hospital where the patient was managed saying, “We commend them for the great job they have done. They did everything to keep the man alive but unfortunately, he passed on. We have ordered the closure of the hospital. The doctors are under surveillance, we are using WHO certified personal protective equipment. Doctors are at high risk but Nigerians should not panic.”
According to him, government is pushing the frontiers of communication “and 
we believe that by this weekend subscribers of the mobile networks will begin to receive what government has been doing in that regard.”
He said, “We will soon convene a meeting with airline operators, Transport Ministry, Federal Road Safety Commission and Road Transport Employers Association of Nigeria to see how to manage people who travel on the West coast. Each state government has been mandated to expand its isolation centres beyond the ones they had before.
“Individuals can now buy sanitizers in offices, hotels and all public places. The idea is to reduce the sources of contamination. If it is not necessary to have a handshake, don’t. But where it is necessary do.”
Meanwhile The Federal Government on Thursday commenced workers’ sensitisation on Ebola at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja, and the Murtala Muhammed International Airport, Lagos.

A statement issued by the Coordinating General Manager, Aviation Parastatals, Mr. Yakubu Datti, said the workers were from different agencies operating at the two major international airports.

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