Enugu International Airport flooded with water after rain!

Enugu International Airport flooded with water after rain!

Enugu International Airport flooded with water after rain!
Unbelievable sight,Enugu Airport flooded with water after rain.

I came across this pic on instagram and still can't believe it! This is the New international Enugu Airport
flooded with water after rain! The Akanu Ibiam Airport after being flooded with rain water resembled the River Niger.People were stepping straight out of the plane into a puddle of water..with their trousers rolled up to their knees and their clothes pulled up to avoid being soaked!
Now the funny thing about this whole thing is,the Enugu Airport was supposed to have been newly renovated. Hahahahaha...i guess an adequate drainage system is not part of the renovation policy.
Enugu International Airport flooded with water after rain!
Rain rain go away....

This is disgraceful really.I have never witnessed such a scene,ever.All the millions allocated to this project,what happened to it?Where did it go? Same old story,The Airport is the first thing a visitor see's.Imagine the impression it leaves on a first time visistor?And this is meant to be an International Airport for Enugu? Corruption has totally destroyed Nigeria and when you think you have seen the worst,they only go on and slap you in the face and lick you in the butt with yet another master piece! Long Live Nigeria!
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