Rihanna Will always Love Whitney Houston! Pays Birthday Homage

Rihanna Will always Love Whitney Houston! Pays Birthday Homage

Rihanna Will always Love Whitney Houston! pays birthday homage

Rihanna and Whitney Houston have a few parallels that cannot be overlooked.Both where the superstars and pop queen of their times breaking uncountable records.Both had very public abusive relationships and both never stayed out of the public gaze or tabloids.
Rihanna payed tribute to dead Pop Queen Whitney Houston on what would have been her 51st
birthday.Rihanna spotted a Tee shirt with Superstar Whitney.Whitney Houston's birthday is the 9th of
August.She died on Feb 11 2012.
Image result for rihanna and whitney houston

Image result for rihanna and whitney houston

There have been reports in the past on how Rihanna idolized Whitney and was said to even be obsessed with her at a point.
Happy belated birthday Whitney,It's not right that you're dead,but it's okay...
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