South Africa&their hate for Nigerians-Video of South Africa mistreating Nigerian Asylum seekers

South Africa&their hate for Nigerians-Video of South Africa mistreating Nigerian Asylum seekers

Why does South Africa hate Nigerians?Video of South Africa mistreating Nigerian Asylum seekers
No,this is not a slave camp,but Nigerians in South Africa applying for asylum.
I have just watched a very disturbing piece of film/video by Sahara Reporters on Nigerians seeking asylum in South Africa.Another thing our leaders should be ashamed of.Why should Nigerians seek asylum in South Africa in the first place?It's a boring same old song to mention the various riches and resources Nigeria has.We should never be in this situation.I cannot understand the hatred South
Africans have for Nigerians.Why do South Africans hate Nigerians so much?No country on this planet fought harder for South Africans when they were under apartheid rule as Nigeria.Right from the 60s Nigeria has been sponsoring and supporting South African organisations against the fight of Apartheid.The great Nelson Mandela confirmed this himself.So why do the South Africans treat Nigerian like dogs with every opportunity they get?
Why does South Africa hate Nigerians?Video of South Africa mistreating Nigerian Asylum seekers
If this was black people in a white country,there would be a great outcry,this is Africans treating fellow Africans like this.
Watching this film/video,you would think the Nigerians applying for asylum here in South Africa were criminals or prisoner of war.They are beaten,humiliated,made to crouch and talked to like animals.Hell,i have seen people talk and communicate with their dogs in better ways.
An anonymous Nigerian interviewed said this was nothing,said people get hospitalized and peppered sprayed regularly by the South African officials.
Why the violence just because some fellow humans like you have come to apply for asylum in your country?

I can only say the South Africans have been so used to the brutal way they were treated by their apartheid masters,when you have been abused,sometimes it goes in a vicious cycle and you do the same to others.
Typically of Africans,one of the men interviewed in the film/video, said the South African authorities treat asylum seekers with a lighter shade of skin better.No beatings,humiliation or pepper sprays.They save that for the Nigerians and Africans.
It also makes you wonder what the Nigerian ambassadors do.Honestly they are all useless.In the last 10 years at least,i have never heard of a Nigerian ambassador fight for the plights of Nigerians,
They just go to these countries,drink their wine,eat their food and receive guests.How could you be in a country and your people are treated like this and you can do nothing,say nothing or bring it to the attention of those carrying out the injustice?

Nigerian leaders have no conscience and are mostly a selfish greedy bunch who only go into politics to line their pockets!
They don't give a damn about the man on the streets

Why does South Africa hate Nigerians?Video of South Africa mistreating Nigerian Asylum seekers

 Why does South Africa hate Nigerians?Video of South Africa mistreating Nigerian Asylum seekers

Why does South Africa hate Nigerians?Video of South Africa mistreating Nigerian Asylum seekers

Why does South Africa hate Nigerians?Video of South Africa mistreating Nigerian Asylum seekers

Why does South Africa hate Nigerians?Video of South Africa mistreating Nigerian Asylum seekers

Why does South Africa hate Nigerians?Video of South Africa mistreating Nigerian Asylum seekers

Why does South Africa hate Nigerians?Video of South Africa mistreating Nigerian Asylum seekers

Why does South Africa hate Nigerians?Video of South Africa mistreating Nigerian Asylum seekers

Why does South Africa hate Nigerians?Video of South Africa mistreating Nigerian Asylum seekers

Why does South Africa hate Nigerians?Video of South Africa mistreating Nigerian Asylum seekers

Why does South Africa hate Nigerians?Video of South Africa mistreating Nigerian Asylum seekers
These pictures speak for themselves and frankly they leave me disgusted!

South Africa treats Nigeria like sh*t,even though we fought and made sacrifices for them.
A lot of them are probably ignorant and don't know their history.Nigerians should not have to even apply for visa to go to South Africa,as sign of respect and appreciation of what Nigeria did for their country.But that won't happen.They would rather give free visa's to the Uk ,America and European countries if they had to.Even though most of this countries closed their eyes when they were being killed,brutalized and dehumanized by the Apartheid regime.

Africa as a whole has so many problems,most brought on by ourselves and the impact slavery has left on us.It has made us abandon our culture,religion,self love and left a serious complex issue with us.
We have no love for ourselves and brothers,but still hold those who came to destroy our continent in higher esteem than we hold ourselves.
Heavens knows who and what can save Africa.

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