First picture of crazy killer who beheaded 82yr old woman!

First picture of crazy killer who beheaded 82yr old woman!

This is the first picture of the man,Nicholas Salvadore, 25, who went crazy yesterday and beheaded a defenceless great-grandmother,Palmira Silva, 82, in her north London garden,Edmonton,
yesterday.The picture is not too clear but still shows enough of Salvadore's face.
The man, named by the Evening Standard as would-be cage fighter Nicholas Salvadore, 25, is currently under armed guard in hospital where he is receiving treatment for injuries sustained during yesterday's lunchtime rampage.
I still cannot get my head round how anybody could behead an 82 year old grandmother,i don't care what you have been smoking,sniffing or drinking! Or in this case as suggested,whatever religion or sect you have been converted to.It just absolutely crazy.I can't begin to imagine what this poor woman's family must be going through.I know I will just die of heart break if that happened to my granny or mother.Looking at Salvadore's pic,he is not a man I would see in the street and be scared of,just shows you never know who the crazy killer is,lurking next to you!
The Popular cafe owner Palmira Silva, 82, a widow described as 'such a sweet lady', was attacked and killed by a knifeman who minutes earlier was seen hopping over fences in search of a cat, which he also decapitated.

Palmira Silva the 82 year old who was beheaded in her garden.
Palmira Silva .

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