Jill Scott is latest Victim of Private Pics Hacked and leaked

Jill Scott is latest Victim of Private Pics Hacked and leaked

Jill Scott is latest Victim of hacked Nude Pics(18+)

Jill Scott the soul singer and actress is the latest victim of celebrity hacked and
leaked photos! What shocks me here or baffles me here is the fact that it seems every celebrity has nude pics on their phone! I don't get it.Why are they all taking n*** photos?Even someone like Jill Scott who i thought would be the last to indulge in such.Just shows we are all humans and no matter what we stand for or how much money we have or don't have will still indulge in certain things.
You can tell someone like Jill Scott in particular is a very private person so the fact that her  pic was hacked and leaked online must have killed her! Some people will actually welcome this notoriety and scandal,but i don't think Jill Scott falls into that category.
jill scott tweet thatgrapejuice Did You Miss It?:  Jill Scott Addresses Nude Photo Leak
Jill Scott's reaction to her leaked nude pics
Since her pics have been hacked and leaked online,(the pics are actually 2),Jill Scott has made a statement,she claimed one of the leaked pics is actually her and was taken during a time she was celebrating her weight loss.But the 2nd leaked pic was not her.She further puts some humour into it,saying she wishes she had that much space between her thighs.Well,i have seen the pic and it is not a very nice pic,Jill Scott should not in any way wish that was her,i think she looks better.

This celebrity leaked pics thing,gets bigger everyday and everyday brings a new shocking celebrity name,i am sure some big names are actually sh*tting themselves right now ,thinking are my pics gonna turn up?While some are praying it does..lol..Can you imagine Madonna or Rihanna losing any sleep if their pics gets leaked?They would probably load a better one online to counter the pic lol
By the way,Jill Scott,leaked  pics aside,when are we gonna get some new songs from you?We don't mind if they're leaked songs,just give us some new songs..smiles.
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