Joan Rivers talks about heart condition that could kill her! (video)

Joan Rivers talks about heart condition that could kill her! (video)

Video of Joan Rivers on Good morning America talking about her heart arrhythmia condition in 1985.
Video of Joan Rivers on Good morning America talking about her heart arrhythmia condition in 1985.
Joan Rivers the comedy legend who died after a medical procedure on her vocal chords,suffered from heart arrhythmia and worried that her heart might stop beating on
stage or during surgery. 

Joan Rivers revealed her fears about the heart condition -- which causes sudden irregularities in the heart beat -- during an interview with Joan Lunden on Good Morning America way back in 1985.

Joan said, "It scares the hell out of you. And when you go under, say for plastic surgeries and things like that ... that's when your heart can go out of kilter."

The interesting thing here is,this revelation suggests Joan has been having plastic surgery as far back as 1985! Wow! Another thing that baffles me is,having known that she has this  heart condtion (arrhythmia) and its danger,why go for a surgery or procedure you can avoid?Especially at the age of 81?? Could it be the fact that Joan Rivers was addicted to surgery or felt she had been under anaesthesia so many times and survived,that she felt no fear anymore towards the procedure?
Whatever the case it is still very sad that Rivers lost her life needlessly,when it was easily avoidable. 
See the video of Joan Rivers talking about her fear of  her heart condition (arrhythmia)  on Good morning America with Joan Lunden in 1985.

 TMZ contributed to this story

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