Liberian Ebola Victim escapes to Monrovian market looking for Food!

Liberian Ebola Victim escapes to Monrovian market looking for Food!

Fear: The hungry Ebola patient (red shirt) wandered into the market to get food, causing shoppers to panic
Fear: The hungry Ebola patient (red shirt) wandered into the market to get food, causing shoppers to panic

Stopped: The health workers eventually manage to get the patient into the back of the vehicle before driving off 

There were incredible scenes at a Liberian market after an an Ebola patient escaped and wandered the market looking for food!

The unidentified man walked into a market in the capital Monrovia - which has been badly hit by the worst ever outbreak of the disease -  only to be chased from the area by panicked shoppers.
Attempting to make off with loaves of bread, the man is then chased down the road by men wearing yellow protection suits, who eventually catch him and bundle him into the back of a UNICEF vehicle.He was physically bundled in the van by as many as 6 to 10 men and still struggling.It will be a miracle if he does not infect at least one of them protecting clothing or not! From what i could see on telly,the contact was too close amidst  struggling.

Why would they not feed the patient?Does having Ebola and being in hospital mean they ahd to starve him to death?A hungry man they say is a desperate and angry man.Lord knows how many people he had come into close contact with before he was recognised and taken away.
I hope the poor guy survives,he looked strong struggling with all those medical aides.Knowing how foolish some people can be,they might decide to punish they guy and deny him the food he had been craving for,thus escalating his sickness! We have seen pictures of Liberian soldiers threatening to shoot and kill Ebola suspects.Sad really.
There were many screaming among the crowd saying it was unfair not to feed the guy.But is anyone listening?
The Hungry Ebola victim  being taken away from the Monrovia market in Liberia in the UNICEF vehicle by UNICEF workers
The Hungry Ebola victim  being taken away from the Monrovia market in Liberia in the UNICEF vehicle by UNICEF workers
Anger: Furious Monrovia residents chase the vehicle down the road as a warning to the man not to return
The Hungry Ebola victim  being taken away from the Monrovia market in Liberia in the UNICEF vehicle by UNICEF workers
Taking no chances: The heavily protected health workers eventually catch up with the runaway Ebola patient
Making off with loaves of bread, the man is then chased down the road by men wearing yellow protection suits
Threat: The unidentified man walked into a market in the capital Monrovia - which has been badly hit by the worst ever outbreak of the disease - in order to find something to eat
Threat: The unidentified man walked into a market in the capital Monrovia - which has been badly hit by the worst ever outbreak of the disease - in order to find something to eat.
Daily Mail contributed to this story.
Pics Daily Mail.

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