Unconfirmed Reports that Michael Essien has Ebola Disease Virus!

Unconfirmed Reports that Michael Essien has Ebola Disease Virus!

Michael Essien is keeping quiet about his Ebola rumours.

The rumour that Michael Essien has Ebola Virus disease is growing.What i can't understand is,Michael Essien has a twitter page,why doesn't he just send one tweet and put all this nonsense rumour to an end?His silence is deafening! I hope and pray Micheal Essien has not got the ebola virus and it's just some no good spreading the rumour,but i think its hi time Essien comes out and puts an end to this.All it takes is a minute of his time on twitter.Surely Michael Essien must have heard the rumours by now that he has Ebola mustn't he?
The reports of Essien's Ebola went viral today,in a Breaking news report,with AC Milan spokesman, Riccardo Coli was quoted as saying: 
‘It has come as a big shock to everyone involved with the club but we are optimistic for Essien. ‘He is a very strong person and the Ebola has been caught in the early stages. He’s in experts hands so he should be fine.’... 
However Metrouk news reports that,AC Milan has denied the rumour that they granted any interview to Nigerian sites.They said the  rumour started as a hoax from a twitter user where Nigerian sites got the news.

Still hope Micheal Essien responds himself..Such a scary hoax...See the complete tweets below
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