If Denrele Edun was American,he'd be a Multi Millioniare now!

If Denrele Edun was American,he'd be a Multi Millioniare now!

Whos's shoes are these?

Who can this be?It can only be one person.The craziest dude in Nigeria,sorry Africa i meant..possibly the world! Denrele Edun..the guy just kills me! So much style,creativity and madness!!!
The Controversial Channel O VJ,Derenle showed off his new shoes and captioned it ...
"Time wounds all HEELS! Keep your head, HEELS and standards high! The higher the HEELS, the closer to BABA GOD!
The higher the heels the closer to Baba God! hahahaha that is just a priceless line! That shows how creative Denrele is!
If Denrele was American,he'd me a millionaire many times now.Will have his own show,clothing line and many more!
Theres another photo too..which he labelled, my own #WCW(Woman Crush Wednesday)

crazy denrele Edun!
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