Whatsapp now tells when message is actually read by recipient

Whatsapp now tells when message is actually read by recipient

For all you ones that lie ,oh i didn't read the message,the phone was in my bedroom,i didn't hear the message come in and so many other lame ass lies,lol,Whatsapp has busted you!
WhatsApp will now tell users not only when their messages have been
delivered, but also when they've been read – perfect if you wanted an objective measure of how much your friends and loved ones care about you.

Some WhatsApp users might already think that they were getting this service from the app’s single and double check marks, but these actually refer to whether a message has been sent and delivered - not when it's been read, played or listened to.
An update to the app (which doesn’t seem to be widespread yet) will now turn these check marks blue if the message has been sent, received andread.
I don't think this is totally fair though,there should be an option in the settings,that you can choose if you want this info revealed or not.This is stalking! looool 
Now i can't lie to all those guys disturbing me anymore. It's not fair!!!!

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