2 NYPD Officers executed in their car in Brooklyn Today!

2 NYPD Officers executed in their car in Brooklyn Today!

In what could be a vigilante killing or revenge killing for Eric Garner(depends on what you believe)Two uniformed NYPD officers were some minutes ago shot dead — execution style — as they sat in their marked police car on a Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn, street corner. According to New York

Post, both officers were working overtime as part of an anti-terrorism drill when they were shot point-blank by a single gunman who approached their car. One law enforcement source told The Post of the 3 p.m. shooting:
“It’s an execution. The gunman just started “pumping bullets” into the patrol car.''
The suspected gunman fled to a nearby subway station where he was fatally shot. Preliminary reports 
were unclear on whether he was shot by police or his own hand.An eyewitness continued:

“They engaged the guy and he did himself. I heard shooting, — four or five shots. It sounded like from a single gun. Ambulances and police cars rushed to the scene, he said.
Meanwhile, there are suspicions that this guy on IG was responsible for the murders.

UPDATE: Instagram has deleted the guy's account now.

This is beyond tragic. #BlackLivesMatter and so do the lives of cops!!!

 Investigators believe the death of the two NYPD officers was a crazed gunman’s execution-style mission to avenge Eric Garner and Michael Brown.
“It’s an execution,” one law enforcement source said of the 3 p.m. shooting of the two officers, whose names were being withheld pending family notification of their deaths.
“I heard shooting, — four or five shots,” ear-witness Derrick McKie, 49, told The Post of the cops’ tragic murder. “It sounded like from a single gun,” he said. Ambulances and police cars rushed to the scene, he said.
“I seen them putting the cop in the ambulance. He looked messed up,” McKie, a barber, added. “He took a high caliber weapon to the face. He was lifeless…I couldn’t see where the holes was that, all I could see was blood. His body was lifeless.”
Modal Trigg Carmen Jimenez, 32, a social worker from Bedford-Stuyvesant, was on the subway platform when the gunman ran inside, pursued by officers.
“Everything happened so quick,” said Jimenez, who is eight months pregnant. “We were standing waiting for the G train. We heard arguing from the other end of the platform.
It looked like two cops came in there was lots of yelling and they said, ‘Everybody get down.’
“We tried to get out of there, and there was a lot of shouting, people were screaming, people were trying to run.
“I threw myself on the floor. I was afraid for my life and afraid for my baby.”

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