Disturbing Video of Afroman hitting a woman so hard on stage in front of fans!

Disturbing Video of Afroman hitting a woman so hard on stage in front of fans!

Afroman was seen  hitting a woman on stage so hard, she fell to the floor in front of hundreds of fans! The disturbing incident happened at his show in Biloxi .From watching the video,what i deducted is,Afroman felt the woman was disrespecting him by making faces and dancing funny while trying to play a serious guitar solo..What is more

shocking is that he did this in front of a crowd!
Afroman as some of you might remember had a big hit the song,"because i got high"

The 40-year-old singer seemed to be playing, and the female fan somehow made her way onto the stage. With no warning, Afroman swung his fist around, hitting her and knocking her to the ground.

The punch got her in the face while she was dancing behind him on stage, but she managed to get up on her own and walk off the stage. The rest of the crowd did not seem so shocked though one man got up on the stage like he wanted to help the woman.

According to TMZ, Afroman was eventually escorted off stage by cops, who arrested him outside for assault. So far the reasons for his assault are unknown. Maybe he was high?
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