Fashola's wife tells how they manage being Muslim&Christian in their Marriage

Fashola's wife tells how they manage being Muslim&Christian in their Marriage

First Lady of Lagos state, Dame Abimbola and husband Gov Fashola have a unique marriage.In an interview with Channels TV yesterday,opened up on how she and governor Fashola have been able to manage their home despite their religious differences. She's Catholic. He's a Muslim. She said;
"We got married in the Church, the Catholic church, that is who I am, that's where you will take me from and that was done. But ever since then my husband
has practiced his religion and I have practiced mine. There is no trouble whatsoever. My husband has his own part of the house where he prays, I have my own altar there with my crucifix and my rosary and everything and everyone is minding their own business. When its time for family prayer, we pray. I pray mine to the name of Jesus Christ while he prays in Allah's name & the children understand all that. My children are baptized and they go to church. When he wants them to go to mosque with him they go to the mosque with him.
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