President Jonathan receives Peace-Loving Global Citizen Award(Pictures)

President Jonathan receives Peace-Loving Global Citizen Award(Pictures)

President Jonathan  receives Peace-Loving Global Citizen Award(Pictures)

President Goodluck Jonathan yesterday May 26th received the Peace-Loving Global Citizen Award at the State House, Abuja.It's easy to be peace loving i guess after leading one of the most corrupt and inept governments in Nigeria i guess.Jonathan might truly have averted a serious unrest situation in Nigeria,but all this peace loving hype should not over ride how poor he has been in governance.Any average person could have done what he did in conceding defeat.I really don't think its anything special.Why celebrate the right thing to do? More President Jonathan Peace-Loving Global Citizen Award  photos after the cut...

President Jonathan  decorated with Peace-Loving Global Citizen Award.

President Jonathan  receives Peace-Loving Global Citizen Award.
President Jonathan  receives Peace-Loving Global Citizen Award in Abuja.
President Jonathan makes speech at peace award ceremony.

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