Pastor Hastings Salanje..Touch Not my annointed!

Pastor Hastings Salanje..Touch Not my annointed!

Pastor Hastings Salanje,living in ostentatious riches and not afraid to tell it!

Pastor Hasting Salanje rants about his riches...
More after the cut...

Hastings Salanje and his rare Mercedez he is proud to tell you about.
Pastor Hastings Salanje.I don't know who this Malawian pastor is,but who are the fools who go to his church and enrich him? Why do Africans and black people mainly keep enriching these pastors?Soon somebody will come along and quote that line "Touch not my annointed" SHM...

Pasto Salanje cars.A pastor richer than all his  church put together and openly boasting about his cars ,wealth and houses..incredible! I read Salanje's posting and still can't believe a so called man of God wrote those words..absolutely incredible! Looks like Malawians are even more gullible than Nigerians.

Pastor Hastings Salaje..through Jesus Christ our Lord..amen amen amen...

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