Survivor of Accra Ghana Fire and Flood disaster Narrates terrible Experience.

Survivor of Accra Ghana Fire and Flood disaster Narrates terrible Experience.

Survivor of Accra Ghana Fire and Flood disaster Narrates terrible Experience.
Survivor of Accra Ghana Fire and Flood disaster Narrates terrible Experience.
At least 150 people died in Accra Ghana on Wednesday after a filling station caught fire.
The victims were those who fled their homes to the station for refuge.
According to sources in Accra, the fire explosion occurred after the flood swept fuel
into a nearby home kitchen.
According to spokesperson for Ghana Fire Service, Billy Anaglate, 96 dead bodies have been recovered as rescuers are still looking for corpses of victims.
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Survivor of Accra Ghana Fire and Flood disaster Narrates terrible Experience.
However as of 9:30pm on Thursday, a media outlet in Ghana, SkyNews said the death toll has jumped to 150.
The high volume of flood water has reportedly displaced many of the victims.
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Rescuers take bodies away from Accra fire and flood disaster.
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Bodies being loaded on to van at the scene of the Accra Ghana fire and flood disaster.
A survivor of the Accra Fire and flood disaster narrated his experience,Yaw Aforve, a of the survivor of the explosion said he was sleeping in his car at the station when he heard the loud bang. He said he jumped into the floodwater and when he came up for air, the fire burnt his face.
“I was swept away by the water to the other side of the road.  “I saw so many people screaming and shouting,” Aforve told BBC
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