About that ban by NBC on Olamide song Don't Stop.

About that ban by NBC on Olamide song Don't Stop.

YBNL boss
Olamide standing outside where lewd lyrics are meant for?..lol
You must have heard if you are a Nigerian music fan that The National Broadcasting Commission has banned Olamide's song "Don't Stop' over lewd lyrics .

So i just need to get something off my chest.How does "It took your mama 9 months to make it" constitute to being a vulgar line that has to banned? It took your mama 9 months to make it simply means it took your mama 9 months to give birth to you.Now what is so obscene about that? Who are these NBC people? Most of the time,they have no idea! I don't see why "I just want to hit you now" should be banned either.It is coded.Only an adult would know what that means,so are you trying to protect adults from what they already know and practise?Bunch of hypocrites i say.I agree with the Je ki now be and the Wa gba Ponron bit,quite funny.
The National Broadcasting Commission has banned Olamide's song "Don't Stop' over lewd lyrics .
I wonder why they always ban songs after they have received massive airplay .
NBC bans Olamide song Don't stop for lewd lyrics.

Olamide five years ago
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