When is best time to see next Supermoon UK November 2016?

When is best time to see next Supermoon UK November 2016?

Supermoon as seen in London

What is a supermoon and when is the best time to see the next one coming up in November 2016?Well,you know when you look into the sky at night and you feel the moon is so close to you that you could touch it?That is a supermoon!

A better explanation is that when a full moon is closest to Earth, It orbits our planet in an oval shape so sometimes it comes closer to us than at other times. To us Earth-lings, the moon appears 30 per cent brighter and 14 per cent bigger. Now that is huge.

The term Supermoon itself was coined by astrologer Richard Nolle .He came up with the term and he defined it as "… a new or full moon which occurs with the moon at or near (within 90 per cent of) its closest approach to Earth in a given orbit".

The next supermoon is Monday November 14 2016 it will be the biggest and brightest in 70

years, and another will not come again until November 25, 2034, space agency Nasa said.So it is definitely worth you looking out for this special historical sighting event.

So what time is the supermoon tonight UK(Nov 14th)?The best time to view it in the UK will be when the sun is setting in the late afternoon,because the moon will become full at 13:52 GMT on Monday, The closer to the horizon it is, the bigger it will appear. 

Pick a place with the least light pollution. Paul Thomsett, chairman of the South East Kent Astronomical Society said: "As long as the skies are clear and you have a good view to the south you will have no trouble seeing our nearest celestial neighbour blazing in the night sky."As long as the weather does not sabotage the hole thing,you can see it without the need of a telescope.There is a second chance to see it in case you missed it on the 14th cos the moon will only be a fraction smaller on November 15.

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