So who gave out N100m to Chibok Families?Father Christmas?

So who gave out N100m to Chibok Families?Father Christmas?

Doyin Okupe denied the President gave out the money,so who did?

So who gave money to the Chibok families?There has been  internal rumblings among the families cos they were paid N200,000 each by what they deemed was the Presidency.Some where paid N100,000 each out of a sum believed to be N100m! Doyin Okupe and Reuben Abati,both strong reps of  President Goodluck Jonathan have come out to say the President
didn't give out no money! So who represents the Presidency?When something is attributed to the Presidency,isn't he suppose to know about it?

Isn't it supposed to be something that has met his approval?I am really confused by these uncoordinated happenings in our country Nigeria.
Doyin Okupe was a man i thought had a lot of integrity,he obviously is a very intelligent man,but it seems since he assumed this position as the President's spokesman/Rep,he is prepared to say anything to cover up for any misgivings or misdeeds.So do we say it's his job and no matter what is going on he has to cover his employer?If that's what it is,then clearly he has sold his integrity hasn't he?

Below is further insight into the "cash gift" that seems to have come out of thin air from Father Christmas even though December is still 6 months away! 
So where did this money come from and who dished it out?Can these people just spend Nigeria's money anyhow without accountancy? Well,that's not exactly news anyway,it's the norm.But we still have a right to know,Millions of Naira can't just be paid out like that with no one accepting responsibility.In a civilized country,by now the President will have addressed the issue publicly,but this is not any other country,this is great Nigeria where great things happens.

I want to make it clear & emphatically 2 dat PGEJ did not gv any N100m to d chibok visitors who came 2 d villa.D story is absolute falsehood
The Kibaku Area Development Association (Chibok community), has explained that the Presidency shared N22.4m to the Chibok parents and the escaped girls that held a meeting with President Goodluck Jonathan on July 22,2014, contrary to reports that N100m was doled out to the recipients.

The association in a press statement signed by its Spokesman, Dauda Ilya, in Abuja on Wednesday, said that: 63 individuals comprising:

  • 51 escaped girls were given N100,000 each,
  • 51 parents equally received N100,000 each
  • and another 61 parents got N200,000 each.
The community stated that 10 parents out of the 122 that took part in the meeting with Jonathan did not receive any money.
It said:

“On the night of July 22, 2014 at about midnight, the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Special Duties who had been co-ordinating the visit on the side of the Presidency, visited the hotel and told the 51 escaped girls who came that the Presidency sent them a token of N100,000 each and accordingly gave them the said sum without prior discussion with any KADA official or any other person in the community. 
He equally gave the sum of N200,000 each to 61 parents out of the 122 parents that came on the visit. Fifty one parents were given N100,000 each on the basis that the money given to him was not enough to go round at N200,000. The remaining 10 parents were not given any amount of money. 
As for the money given to some parents back home in Chibok, it was the sum of N1m given to them by the member of the House of Reps representing Chibok/Damboa/Gwoza Federal Constituency which is the source of the alleged N7,000.00 given to parents in Chibok that were not part of the visit.”
The association said it was disturbed and disgusted by media reports that its leadership received money from the Presidency, describing the claim as “false, malicious and unfounded.”

The KADA stated that it had spelt out to the Presidency through the office of the Chief of Staff that it would not be involved with any financial transaction whatsoever, including payment of transportation from Chibok to Yola, flight by air from Yola to Abuja, hotel accommodation and feeding in Abuja, as well as the intra-city transportation of the parents and girls while in Abuja.
It said:

 ” Our primary priority has and remains the rescue of our abducted 219 daughters. Our Association has been at the forefront of calling for decisive measures to secure their release. 
We took the moral high ground as a Community Association that represents the Chibok people in Abuja to facilitate the recent visit of parents of our abducted daughters and 51 of the 57 that escaped. We helped make that visit possible despite our misgivings that it was a poor substitute to our expectation that Mr. President should have visited Chibok even before the visit of our people for a tragedy that is now 107 days old.”
The Chibok community said while it welcomed any well intended support for the suffering population of Chibok town who had lost their means of livelihood since the April 14 abduction of over 200 schoolgirls, “the approach the Presidency has adopted has brought reproach and dishonor to our community in the eyes of the public that has supported us since the abduction of our daughters.” 
Like everything in Nigeria,money is the greatest evil in the country.The average Nigerian will sell his soul for money,now i don't know if this is due to the state the establishment has left us or if this is purely in our DNA.
This whole thing stinks,but will there be a clearification to this?In Naija? No..Like every other thing,it will be forgotten in a week or less from now and we move on to the next chapter,na so we dey do am for Naija! 
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