Disturbing video of 9yr old boy Slapping his Drug User mum violently.

Disturbing video of 9yr old boy Slapping his Drug User mum violently.

Little 9 year old boy slapping his mum who was in a drug trance.
Little 9 year old boy slapping his mum who was in a drug trance.

I have just seen this very disturbing video of this young boy.9 years old apparently.The 9 year old boy was trying to restore the mothers senses of bring her back from a trance after she had taken some drugs.Now what he does is so shocking.,the 9 year old boy slapped his mother to bring her back
from her drug trance .But it's not just the slap.It's the way he slapped her,the intensity and might i say violent way he slaps his mother.

The sad thing is from the boy's voice in the video,you could see he really cares for his mother.But what could have made a boy who obviously cares so much for his mother slap her so hard with such venom? Can you imagine things this 9 year old boy must have seen in his 9 years for him to do what he did and the way he did it?He must have seen so much violence in his life.He probably has seen her mother's boyfriends or fellow drug users slap each other that hard to bring each other back from a drug trance.
Very sad scene this is,the 9 year old boy and his drug user mum he slapped so violently.
Very sad scene this is,the 9 year old boy and his drug user mum he slapped so violently.

Sadly i think this boy is scarred.It will be a miracle if he does not end up a violent guy or a guy who hits his wife.When you are exposed to such violence at such an early age,to the extent of hitting your mother so hard out of love,well you will hit anybody.In all my years i have never slapped nobody that hard to rival what i saw in this video. Still can't get over it.Yet another reason why you must stay away from drugs!
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