Video of Floyd Mayweather getting a bath from a woman

Video of Floyd Mayweather getting a bath from a woman

woman bathes Floyd Mayweather
Mayweather's female friend playing mummy with Floyd
Floyd Mayweather really cracks me up in this video,not only does he gets a woman who bathes him.but he also gets the most appropriate song to play in the background! While he was being bathed by a woman, like one
does,and no it was not his mother,he listens to Guy blaring on the speaker.The Guy song playing in the background was "I like" A huge old skool New jack swing song.And the lyrics goes:*Each time you are here with me,The touch you give me with your hands,When you caress my skin,i'm under your comand*. and the chorus of the song is I like..Looooool..Mayweather is priceless,obviously the whole thing was contrived,but i give him kudos for just coming out with this entertaining video.I guess when you have all the money in the world you have to amuse your self right?And Mayweather sure does that with his women bathing friends..i think we should all have someone from the opposite sex with no strings attached to bathe us occasionally..don't you think?
Mayweather waiting for his morning bath from his female friend
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