Video of Kefee being Buried

Video of Kefee being Buried

Video of Kefee being Buried

Still hard to believe Nigerian Gospel Star Kefee is dead and been buried.It's like a bad dream that sadly
has come true.If you missed the Kefee burial pics,see here
Nigeria entertainment today(NET)just loaded an actual video of Kefee being laid to rest at her burial in her home town,Okpara Inland,Delta State on Friday 11th July 2014,as i watched the short 2mins video of Kefee's coffin disappearing 6 feet below,my eyes were still transfixed on my screen even after the video was over,just seemed so surreal.You wonder why and how a young lady with her life so full ahead of her had to die like that,no illness,no accident,got on a plane and never opened her eyes again! So sad,next thing was her is a mess..RIP Kefee

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