Paul Ross & Wife living in fantasy land after Gay & Drugs Affair

Paul Ross & Wife living in fantasy land after Gay & Drugs Affair

paul ross with his wife jackie after drug and gay affair confession
Paul Ross & Wife living in fantasy land after Gay & Drugs Affair.
Paul Ross the radio and tv presenter is the brother of Jonathan Ross,another radio and Tv presenter,but Jonathan is more famous,one thing they both have in common is comedy,and Paul Ross must be having a laugh if he can't face the facts of life and admit to his wife that he is Gay or at least
bi-sxual! Actually they are both having a laugh.Things have moved on now.It is no longer the end of your career if you admit to being gay.Being gay is no longer something to be ashamed or embarrassed about,well at least in Europe it isn't. Gays are getting married,having kids etc.So BBC presenter,Paul Ross has got to come out of denial,then maybe he and his wife can put together their shattered relationship once they face the foundations of their troubles.It's like an alcoholic who find himself in the AA and says the only reason he drank was cos he was thirsty and there was no other drink indoors! He ain't gonna get too far to the  bottom of his problems.

Now here's the gist of the story.Paul Ross was caught having a gay affair for six months and taking a drug called mephedrone regularly when he was with his gay lover,Barry Olivier.Apparently this drug is a stimulant which allegedly increases sexual pleasure as well.
Paul Ross confessed to this affair in the Sun newspaper.Well everyone knows nobody willingly goes to the sun newspaper to expose their lives.His gay lover Barry Olivier probably took the story to the Sun Newspaper,they then confront Paul and show him what they got.He is then left with the choice of telling the story himself,or denying it and the Sun then going ahead to feature the story of his gay lover Barry Olivier.When those b*stards get you,its like being in between a rock and a hard place..most of the time the victims opt to tell their story,it then comes across like they are redeemed and choose to tell the story by their own will.The Sun gets their story and the victim does some damage control.Leaving both parties almost happy.So this is how Paul Ross got here not because he woke up and thought,hey,its a lovely day and  i'm gonna expose my sordid sex life to the world!

In the story with the Sun,Paul Ross claims he is not gay and merely went to watch couples have sxx near his home in Berkshire at a do*ging site near his home,well as one does on a normal day.For those of you who don't know what dogging is,do*ging is when you have sxx publicly and others watch you,or you watch others have sexx publicly.Now that we've cleared that,lets move on...
It was at the dogging site that he met his gay lover Barry Olivier.And it was Barry Olivier who introduced him to the drug, mephedrone also known as Meow Meow.

Ross then claimed he quickly became addicted to the drug and took it six times daily or more.He said the drug made you feel like you were in heaven when really you were going to hell.But really didn't Paul know this is what drugs does to you? A 58 year old man?He then began a 6month gay affair with Barry Olivier.Eventually,the wife,Jackie,became suspicious and did some detective work.The affair became open and she made a vow and stance to stand by Paul.But the interesting thing about this story is both couple failing to acknowledge that Paul Ross who had been married 3 times previously was gay or bi sxual.Wife Jackie said it definitely was not a gay thing and it was the drugs.
"I’m not wiping out a 14-year relationship for six months of madness, I’m not. Because I know he loves me.
"I know 90 per cent of Paul is a good man. He’s a good dad. I feel the sxx was part of the mephedrone package, I don’t see it as a gay relationship, I see it as part of the drugs.
“I’m not letting that vile little gargoyle destroy what we’ve got.” Jackie said
And Paul too backed her up saying, "It was all about the drugs."
But you don't turn gay because you took some drugs do you?I mean ,that would be an insult to many gay men all over the world who have always claimed they were born this way and did not choose the lifestyle.Paul Ross in denial is now making this sound like a flimsy thing,oh ,take some drugs and you can be gay for 6 months!
I also don't see how because you are having some problems at home or some financial worries ,the next thing you do is take some drugs and switch your sxuality!
Yes Paul Ross might be a good man,a  great father and might even love Jackie as she said,but if they are both fooling themselves with that notion that he is not gay or at the very least bi sxual,cos it was just a drug thing,then Jackie and Paul are funnier than those one line quips i have heard Jonathan Ross tell several times on his show!
The first step for them is admitting to what you are and stop living a lie!
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