Why do certain people always think Beyonce's body is photoshopped?

Why do certain people always think Beyonce's body is photoshopped?

Beyonce looking fab.

Beyonce shared these new fab pics and as you can see Mrs Carter is looking fabilous.What i always find strange though are those who keep criticizing Beyonce when she looks slim that it's photoshop.I can't understand it,Have you seen how hard Beyonce
works on stage?Do you realize how fit that woman is?If you go on tour and do that nite after nite,how could you not have toned thighs,arms ,stomach ,body and what ever else?These people should leave Beyonce alone and get off their fat butt and do some exercise.Then maybe they wouldn't have to put somebody else down! I think it's just a way for certain people to make them selves feel better.They say somebody else who is doing better could not be,because it's not real.
Anyways after my little rant,you can enjoy Beyonce pics..and i'm off to the gym in a little while with these pictures to inspire me.

Bootilicious Beyonce!
Mrs Carter.

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