The sickening Toilets at General Hospital Otukpo,Benue State

The sickening Toilets at General Hospital Otukpo,Benue State

I have just come across some pictures shared by  a twitter user @davydhabba General Hospital Otukpo, Benue State .The hospital pictures were terrible and a disgrace.It was so bad that i had to leave some out...To think this is an hospital where a sick person is
supposed to get better,i swear,if you go into that General Hospital Otukpo sick,you will come out worse and with a disease added to your previous problem!
Are these what we deserve in our Nigerian hospitals?

How can a hospital in this day and age have a hole dug in a smelly and dirty room and supposed to be used by sick patients? Where is all the money allocated to the Benue State government for health? Where is the Minister of health in Benue state? He should be sacked and probed..I will go as far as saying jailed! Its only when things like that happen that our leaders will realise that you can't do something like what has happened in the General Hospital Otukpo,Benue State and get away with it,that they would stop!
I hope the pictures i loaded were not too sickening for you,i tried to load the least offensive and sickening one.The toilets at General Hospital ,Otukpo is not what we want to see in our hospitals in Nigeria

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